Dehydrating lentil curry for backpacking

After dehydrating steel-cut oats, I tried dehydrating a lentil curry to take on an overnight backpacking trip. The recipe comes from the website "Rainbow Plant Life": Vegan red lentil curry. It's a great dish but contains a lot of fats including coconut milk and almond butter. I left out the almond butter to make the result a bit more amenable to dehydration. Below is a picture of the curry spread about 1/8-1/4 inch thick onto parchment paper on a dehydrator tray. It took longer than expected to dehydrate; about 16-20 hours. Next time, I'll use crushed instead of diced tomato to homogenize the curry a bit. And, I'll plan to remove the parchment paper as soon as possible to speed up dehydration. I packed the result in vacuum sealed plastic and froze until just before the trip. On the trail, I rehydrated the curry by covering the crumbles with water and heating to boil for about 5 min. It rehydrated very well and was delicious.

Lentil curry spread thinly on parchment paper on dehydrator tray.

One thought on “Dehydrating lentil curry for backpacking

  1. This is so cool!! Never in a million years did I think anyone would try dehydrating this recipe. I'm glad it turned out well and you enjoyed it on the trail!

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