An earlier post (1216) introduced a compatibility study (i.e. reverse engineering) of the sas7bdat database file format. The code and documentation for this are here: I've recently restructured the code as an R package, and added some functionality. Look for the sas7bdat package on the CRAN. Also, the read.sas7bdat code has been ported to a Java framework by Kasper Sørensen: under the LGPL.
The read.sas7bdat function now returns a data frame with the attribute, which describes the various attributes of the database fields. The attribute is a list of lists, one for each field. Each list contains zero or more of:
- name: The field name
- label: The field label (usually a longer description)
- offset: The field offset in packed binary row data (bytes)
- length: The field length (bytes)
- type: The field type, either 'character' or 'numeric'
The document describing the sas7bdat binary format is included as a vignette (using rst2latex). Here is a preview of the R package: sas7bdat_0.1.tar.gz. The package comes with a list of internet resources for sas7bdat test files (see data(sas7bdat.sources)).
Cool stuff! Thanks.
Thank you!
Amazing! Thanks so much, I have been waiting for something like this for a while.